Nashville Health Care Council

Council Fellows examine market segmentation as strategic tool to bring value

Written by Nashville Health Care Council | Apr 12, 2024 6:30:15 PM

In our most recent Council Fellows session, cohort participants connected with experts on the topic of Market Segmentation for a 4-hour virtual discussion.

With a shared focus on rapidly changing consumer preferences toward healthcare, session speakers addressed topics including the five types of market segmentation, unique consumer characteristics by generation, the brand and marketing lifecycle, the power of segmentation data to identify operational barriers, misconceptions around Americans as disinterested in seeking care and the fallacy of the “balanced interest” paradigm vs. a more patient-centric framework. Fellows and presenters also discussed the sizable challenge of building care experiences primed for both scale and personalization, exploring the recent healthcare trends driving shifting consumer preferences regarding what constitutes a truly value-based experience.

The 2024 Fellows program resumes with this month’s deployment of our Council D.C. Delegation, as more than 100 Council members travel to Washington April 17-19 to engage policymakers in conversation around behavioral health, the workforce challenge and data and AI.