Council Members Connect with British Health Officials

by Nashville Health Care Council | Oct 21, 2013
Today, the British Consulate-General Atlanta office and UK Trade & Investment welcomed a group of Nashville Health Care Council members at the EC to hear about advances and challenges being addressed within the England’s health care system. Guest speaker Professor Jonathan Kay, the newly appointed clinical informatics director for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), discussed shifts that are occurring in primary and secondary care within the country, many of which are similar to those happening in the U.S. health care system.

Increased use of technology was central to the discussion, specifically with regard to the implementation of EHRs and data exchanges. Kay also discussed the use of mobile technology and the trend toward home visits and new models for treating chronic conditions and end-of-life care. Like many leaders in the U.S. health care system, Kay pointed out the need for early diagnosis and treatment throughout the continuum of care in order to lower costs and increase quality.

The Council regularly hosts in-bound and out-bound international programs, providing members with first-hand learning opportunities and the chance to develop business connections abroad.

UK Trade & Investment works with UK-based businesses to ensure their success in international markets, and encourage the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice.

NHS England is an executive, non-departmental public body of the Department of Health.