LHC Delegation to Wall Street: Voicing Our Health Care Leadership (Post Business)

by Nashville Health Care Council | Sep 23, 2011

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of posts from the Nashville Health Care Council’s Leadership Health Care Delegation to Wall Street. Look for more information from the trip in the coming days.

John Seigenthaler, CEO of Seigenthaler Public Relations/New York, called on Nashville’s health care leaders to use their expertise and innovative spirit to continue to improve the nation’s fragmented health care delivery system.

Seigenthaler’s call to action closed the first day of sessions for the Nashville Health Care Council’s Leadership Health Care Delegation to Wall Street.

A veteran newsman who worked at NBC for more than a decade, Seigenthaler shared reflections on how the United States has changed in the decade since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and urged attendees to embrace the spirit of unity that can emerge from national crisis.

Seigenthaler then charted the significant events that have shaped our nation since 9/11 including economic woes, political strife and the on-going health care policy debate. He noted health challenges from the aging population to the obesity and diabetes epidemics, and called on Nashville’s industry leaders to have a louder voice in directing the evolution of the health care system.

“Your industry needs your voice. I believe politicians need your voice,” Seigenthaler said. “Your customers and patients need your voice. Investors need your voice. You are the specialists who can prescribe the medication that can cure the ailments that afflict the health care industry. You know the ailments better than anyone, and you know the solutions.”

Seigenthaler’s sentiment was reflected by delegation attendees, who said the Nashville Health Care Council encourages collaboration that can drive solutions to a multitude of industry challenges.

“We are going to be able to change the reality of where we are,” said Michele Peden, vice president of corporate communications at Iasis Healthcare. “We can figure out the opportunities and find ways to make each other and our industry better.”