LHC Presents 2017 Awards to Nashville’s Promising Health Care Leaders of Tomorrow

Leadership Health Care (LHC), an initiative of the Nashville Health Care Council to nurture the talent of Nashville’s emerging health care leaders, has announced its 2017 award winners in the categories of Health Care Emerging Leader of the Year, Ambassador of the Year and Supporting Organization of the Year. The awards were announced at LHC’s annual holiday and awards reception, attended by nearly 200 LHC members.

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Photo credit: © 2017, Johnathan Jones

Jessica Harthcock, CEO and founder of Utilize Health, was named the Health Care Emerging Leader of the Year. This award is given to an individual LHC member who demonstrates outstanding leadership, motivation and talent within the industry. A member of LHC since 2014, Harthcock built Utilize Health off her own experience recovering from a spinal cord injury. She truly has an entrepreneurial spirit and has built a company around a vision of creating a better health care experience for patients.

Stephen Smith, program manager, Meharry Medical College, received the Ambassador of the Year award. This award recognizes an individual member who has shown dedication and commitment to LHC and serves as a positive reflection of the organization’s mission and goals. During 2017, Smith attended numerous LHC events throughout the year and has been instrumental in building a partnership between LHC and Meharry Medical College. He currently serves on the LHC Delegation Committee where he has shown himself to be a valuable asset to LHC.

Kraft Healthcare Consulting was named the Supporting Organization of the Year for its ongoing commitment to LHC and enriching the next generation of health care industry leaders. Over the past year, Kraft Healthcare Consulting has been a key sponsorship and programming partner with LHC. In addition, LHC members from Kraft Healthcare Consulting have served on the LHC board and been prominent recruiters for LHC membership.

“This year’s well-deserving award recipients are a testament to LHC’s commitment and dedication to developing the talent of future health care industry leaders here in Nashville,” said Claire Cowart Haltom, LHC board chairman and shareholder, Baker Donelson. “LHC continues to provide dynamic educational programming and networking opportunities for its members as they grow in their careers.”

“LHC is pleased to recognize Jessica, Stephen and Kraft Healthcare Consulting for their achievements over the past year,” said LHC Director, Molly Vice. “Our team is excited for 2018, and LHC’s continued growth and impact on Nashville’s emerging health care leaders.”