On health reform’s election influence (Nashville Post)

by Geert De Lombaerde | Mar 16, 2012
NASHVILLE – A Nashville Health Care Council panel this week took a close at the state and future of health care reform. Among its discussion points was how the Supreme Court will this spring address challenges to the law – as well as how that might influence turnout in November’s presidential election.

NASHVILLE – A Nashville Health Care Council panel this week took a close at the state and future of health care reform. Among its discussion points was how the Supreme Court will this spring address challenges to the law – as well as how that might influence turnout in November’s presidential election.

“If the individual mandate is struck down, Republicans would be jubilant,” said Tevi Troy, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. “But it would mobilize the Democratic base to reelect President Obama, in the hopes he could nominate judges who would shift the court’s balance. If the individual mandate is upheld, that could likewise galvanize the GOP base in an effort to elect a Republican president.