Over the course of five months, Council Fellows engage in nine experiential learning sessions on topics ranging from cost of care and health equity to innovation and market segments. The program culminates in a two-day, future-forward planning intensive where cohort members discern collective opportunities to achieve impact at scale. The heart of day one of Fellows Closing retreat programming centered on coaching, inspiration and strategic tactics to help each participant become their best self as a leader.
CEO, board director, strategic advisor and entrepreneur Beth R. Chase, who forged a career helping companies identify, develop and implement value-creation strategies, opened the morning with an uplifting and reflective presentation on six leadership traits that have served her well in her ability to effect change as a leader.
Acknowledging that effecting change as a leader often requires strong facilitation and negotiating skills, Chase underscored respect for the individual, and for the value of teamwork, as foundational to successful leadership. Chase also outlined the core focus areas that hold her attention when it comes to those things she’s doing in a leadership role—namely, visioning, aligning, strategizing, planning, executing plans and developing people.
Building on Nashville’s legacy as the Healthcare City, the Council Fellows program connects the healthcare industry’s brightest minds, most influential leaders and top drivers of change. Each year, the highly competitive program convenes a cohort of 30 top executive leaders for a curriculum specifically designed to build new perspectives and generate new ideas for addressing the industry’s most pressing challenges. This prestigious cohort-based program is shaping the future of healthcare.
Applications for Council Fellows open in the fall and a new class is seated in December for the following year’s cohort. If you’re interested in learning more about the Council Fellows program, sign up here to receive ongoing updates. For more information, contact fellows@healthcarecouncil.com.