Nashville Health Care Council

Three Questions for Benson Sloan - NHCC

Written by f | Apr 11, 2016 6:30:29 PM

Nashville Medical News | Cindy Sanders

Benson Sloan, board chairman for Leadership Health Care and director of Corporate Development for MEDHOST, shared his thoughts on the 2016 LHC Delegation to D.C., answering three questions from Nashville Medical News.

Q. Was there a specific speaker or panel discussion that particularly stood out to you?
A. One of the most interesting speakers of the two days in Washington, D.C was the keynote speaker Kristen Soltis Anderson. Kristen’s portrayal of the millennial generation illustrated how we consume information in 140 characters or less, expect near real-time interactions with friends or co-workers, and would rather start a company than have a mortgage. The millennial generation is changing the way political candidates campaign, and soon the way they vote and operate.

Q. What are your key takeaways from this year’s event?
A. The two-day lineup of speakers left the delegation with plenty to consider:
Solving for interoperability and creating a base architecture or platform for providers to administer care is critical to the evolving practice of value-based care.
InsureTN will need to seek creative solutions for gaining approval of expanding Medicaid.
It’s clear that bundle payments/alternative payment models will continue to be a fixture of CMS reimbursement. Judging providers on quality and value will reduce costs and improve the health of the patient but aligning incentives between providers, payers and technology vendors will be the accelerant.

Q. What is the value of the annual LHC Delegation to D.C., and do you think it impacts our local healthcare industry?
Leadership Health Care nurtures the talents of up-and-coming executives in healthcare. The LHC Delegation to D.C. gives our members a rare opportunity to interact with members of Congress, top administration officials, and national thought leaders in a small-group setting, while learning about the latest healthcare policy developments. The chance for delegates to connect with D.C.-based leaders, as well as fellow delegates, over a two-day period is invaluable.
On the other side of the coin, this trip is also a chance for LHC to showcase Nashville’s dynamic healthcare industry to the D.C. network. Building relationships in D.C. and educating policymakers about our perspective in the field highlights Nashville’s significant, diverse expertise. This is important as Nashville’s healthcare community works to move the industry forward.